What most people aren’t aware of is that pain can often have a psychological component that can make the whole physical experience more difficult than it needs to be. For example, the first reaction of many people to pain is to become inactive. This only serves to increase the amount of time people spend focusing on their difficulties, reduces the opportunities for pleasurable experiences and is usually counterproductive.
In the longer term, some people may develop a set of automatic thoughts and wider beliefs about their condition that can have a negative impact on their physical and psychosocial functioning. In a few cases, often those where there is no apparent physical cause for what people are feeling and experiencing, a person may have overly developed sensitivity to the pain warning signals that are sent to the brain. This results in regular false alarms, rather like the smoke alarm that goes off every time someone turns on the toaster.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy helps you to understand your feelings, thoughts and behaviours in challenging situations. You can then choose to make positive changes in all these areas, developing greater self-acceptance and being able to work constructively towards your life goals.
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching takes these techniques and applies them in a Coaching setting, to enable you to reach your specific work, health or relationship goals.
Counselling offers you the time and space to talk with a non-judgemental
professional counsellor.
This will enable you to reflect on your own experiences and gain insight into the way forward for you.
I can help you with:
- Anxiety
- Panic Attacks
- Depression
- Post-natal Depression
- Pain Management
- Work-related Stress
- Parenting related to Stress
- Relationship Problems
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
And many other problems and challenges, that you may face in your life.
My approach is cognitive behavioural (CBT), but I also draw heavily on the principles of self and other acceptance, derived from Albert Ellis’s Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT). I help people to develop a more self-accepting attitude to themselves and to challenge any negative thoughts or unhelpful behaviours that are having an impact on their mood and that interfere with them reaching their goals in life.
I teach people about CBT and REBT so that they can use the skills they have learnt for the rest of their life, becoming their own therapist. I use CBT and REBT myself and find that learning these skills has transformed my life, and I would like to share what I have learnt with you.